Monday 28 August 2023

Looking for Advice

I'm lucky in that I have various medical friends. One is a retired GP from the UK who has recently had his own cancer issues. 

Last Wednesday I sent him the following email

Can I pick your retired brain?

Has a trip to the finger up the bum Dr today. Enlarged prostate, but not hard and no nodules. It could just be an infection, but I'd have to have a biopsy to find out. I have two weeks for that decision to be made. Is there any reason not to have the biopsy?

I'm not waking to pee, or peeing more than before, and there's no blood. The only reason we picked it up is that I had a blood test a couple of weeks ago and my PSA was high.

His response was

Go for it!
A biopsy is not a big deal and you will have a definitive answer. Otherwise you’ll always be wondering about prostate cancer.
Hope all goes well

 I guess that means yes to the biopsy.

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