Monday 27 November 2023

First MRI

This isn't the first time I've ever had an IRM, I had a couple last year when we were investigating my sinuses. It is the first for cancer.

The IRM was done at the new hospital in North Tours. We had a couple of things to do in Tours, so we planned it all to happen the same day. After finishing the other tasks we had to find somewhere where I could do my preparation.

Preparation isn't onerous, but it does involve squirting the tube of goo up my bum, between one and two hours before the procedure. This is difficult when you live 90 minutes from the hospital and you have no idea how your bowels will react.

So we looked for a public toilet close to the hospital where I could be discreet about it. Not an easy task, so in the end we headed to a shopping centre. Supermarket toilets are generally ok, but not those at Auchan "Grande Arche". Those are small, dirty, and very busy.

This meant I arrived at the hospital unprepared - but 30 minutes early. While I shot into the toilet to do my preparation Susan explained to the receptionist what had happened. The receptionist was unhappy, the doctor even more so. They said "well, don't bother then" - and called me into the examination room. I shot into the toilet and expelled the goo (it was ready to do its thing, anyway).

The test proceeded as normal. I find them completely easy - just lie still for 7 minutes and try not to think. After I dressed we waited to be called to be spoken to by the Doctor, but it didn't happen. After a while I asked, but we were told there was no need to wait, the results would be sent to my specialist.

So we drove home. I drove because there was no reason not to, and we got home at about 19h (7pm).

That was a kind of stressful day. Not the scan, but everything else that goes with it.

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