Tuesday 23 January 2024


Just returned from my Scintigraph. That's the one where they inject you with radiation to see what the bones are doing. It was at Poitiers hospital, a drive we don't particularly enjoy. We parked in what I thought was the dedicated parking then had to walk endless corridors to find the right place. It's at low air pressure, so the radioactivity doesn't get sucked out into the rest of the hospital.

The injection was painful. I assume that because I've had so many blood tests they couldn't find a vein in either arm. That meant the catheter for the atomic stuff went into the back of my hand. Ouch.

We were then left to our own devices for an hour in which we got bored (and the stress level raised). I was given instructions NOT to used any of the toilets in the rest of the hospital because of radioactivity.

The test was uncomfortable, arms raised above my head while the machine did it's thing. They said I kept moving (I'm sure I didn't).


Nothing to report yet (of course) except I don't feel like I've got an atomic willy. In fact, none of me feels Godzilla-ish at all. 

I'm beginning to think that Japanese sci-fi is a crock.

Saturday 13 January 2024

Two Phone Calls

The first was from the urologists secretary, making me an appointment for a full body MRI at Châtellerault hospital on 8 February.

The second was from Poitiers hospital. I'm having a scintigraph on 23 January.

Thursday 11 January 2024

It's THAT word

I had an appointment with the Urologist today. They found cancer in most of the 12 biopsies, now I have to have a full body MRI scan and a Scintigraph. The level of cancer is not the worst it could be, being level 2 out of 5.

My full body MRI is the 8th Feb, and I will be contacted with the date for the Scintigraph.

Dr says there is no panic about having to wait a month, and was reassuring. 

It's just that word that's scary.

Not feeling too bad physically, just a shocked to tell the truth. My head's spinning.